Loughborough Junction — Blog — South London Club

Loughborough Junction

Behind The Names: London Borough of Southwark

Behind The Names: London Borough of Southwark

In the third installment of our series explaining the origins of the names of the areas of South London we will be focusing on the great London Borough of Southwark. Along with Lambeth, Lewisham and Greenwich it forms part of what we like to call the 'four shark teeth' of South London. We might have included Wandsworth in that list because it does look a little - actually a lot - like tiger shark tooth. Go on, search the boundaries of Wandsworth and then compare it against a tiger shark tooth. You'll see, you will all see. Anyway, less about fearsome fish and more about the reason behind the names of areas. Southwark is probably the installment we've looking forward to most because of some of the really curious names in the borough, like Denmark Hill or Elephant and Castle - frankly, we really cannot wait to explain it.

Top 10 Worst Train Stations In South London

Top 10 Worst Train Stations In South London

Having established what are the Top 10 Best Train Stations In South London, we set about finding out what the respectable denizens of South London thought were the Top 10 Worst Stations In South London. We examined every station, we considered the statistics, and we provided you with a shortlist. The votes are now in, and boy do the quantity of votes reveal what a miserable bunch we South Londoners are. We received almost double the votes for this then we did when deciding the best train stations! Clearly, we far prefer to moan about train stations than we do praise them. Anyway, for those who missed the initial voting phase, the criteria for stations on this list were stations within Zone 4, south of the river, that were either particularly bleak, particularly useless, or possibly even both. This was a pretty tight run affair, and came down to the wire as to which would be top dog, the tightest of wires! So, here we go, beginning at number 10, the top 10 worst train stations in South London, as voted for by you - the people

A-Z Independent Breweries Of South London

A-Z Independent Breweries Of South London

If there’s one thing that London does well it’s beer. And ale. And stout. Microbreweries and taprooms are sprinkled across the whole of south London. Readers will likely be familiar with stalwarts Meantime and Late Knights but what about Earth Ale or Hop Stuff? For all out beer geekery head down to The Beer Shop in Nunhead or Hop Burns and Black in East Dulwich which both stock some of the best beers you’ll find this side of the Thames. There are new microbreweries popping up all the time so this is not a definitive list. However we’d love to hear from you on social media if there are any that others that you love or would recommend.

Vote For South London's Worst Train Station

Vote For South London's Worst Train Station

So we've now established what the top 10 best train stations in South London are, and if you haven't seen that list, click this link and a have a look. The criteria for that list was stations that either more beautiful than others, more useful than others, or possibly even both. The logic would apply that if we reverse that, then we should be able to work out what the worst stations in South London are. So the stations selected on this shortlist are either particularly bleak or unattractive, particularly useless, or even both. Sometimes though they might be quite useful stations, but their bleakness may outweigh that, and vice versa. In terms as to what we are defining South London as, it's the same as before - the outer limit is Zone 4, and the station has to be south of the river. To help you decide, we've included photos of each station below the voting form. Enjoy!

10 Independent Cinemas in South London

10 Independent Cinemas in South London

Ah the silver screen! Romance, drama, comedy, horror, sci-fi - we've all got different tastes. Some of us like watching movies at home, curled up on the sofa with loved ones, or on our own, becoming absorbed in a world away from ourselves, that's cool, we understand. A lot of us though, we love going to the cinema, to see films in a special setting, and to make an evening of it. What do independent cinemas have over, say, your Odeons? Let's just tell it straight - character. These places are unique on the inside and out, and if you're going on a date, then surely it's better to go somewhere a little different, rather than the flat-pack, business park cinemas littered all over the country. Anyway, we thought it would be nice to compile a list of the 10 independent cinemas in South London. Before you moan at us for not including Picturehouse, they're owned by Cineworld and have been since 2012, so they're no longer independent in our eyes.