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20 Exciting Live Music Spots in South London

20 Exciting Live Music Spots in South London

Music plays an enormous role in our everyday lives. It accommodates the good, the bad, the great and the ugly. With apps such as Spotify, our favourite songs and musicians are only a few fingertips away. But sometimes we need something new, something that our apps cant offer; that’s live music. Nothing compares to listening to your favourite tracks live or discovering new musicians/bands that you would have never found anywhere else. So sit back and relax as we show you 20 exciting live music spots here in South London.

10 Independent Cinemas in South London

10 Independent Cinemas in South London

Ah the silver screen! Romance, drama, comedy, horror, sci-fi - we've all got different tastes. Some of us like watching movies at home, curled up on the sofa with loved ones, or on our own, becoming absorbed in a world away from ourselves, that's cool, we understand. A lot of us though, we love going to the cinema, to see films in a special setting, and to make an evening of it. What do independent cinemas have over, say, your Odeons? Let's just tell it straight - character. These places are unique on the inside and out, and if you're going on a date, then surely it's better to go somewhere a little different, rather than the flat-pack, business park cinemas littered all over the country. Anyway, we thought it would be nice to compile a list of the 10 independent cinemas in South London. Before you moan at us for not including Picturehouse, they're owned by Cineworld and have been since 2012, so they're no longer independent in our eyes.

London History Day

London History Day

On Wednesday 31st May 2017 the first ever London History Day is set to he held. The date marks the anniversary of the day in 1859 when Big Ben began keeping time for the residents of London. The aim of the day is to highlight our great city’s wonderful history and is part of Historic England’s wider ‘Keep it London’ campaign, which aims to make Londoners discuss and celebrate the heritage of the capital. All across London, more than 40 galleries, museums and institution will be showing rare London-related objects, or staging special events and conducting tours to mark the occasion. A number of these special events will be happening south of the river in the more pleasant half of London. To save you time, we at South London Club have compiled a list of the events happening in South London