Train Stations — Blog — South London Club

Train Stations

Goodbye South West Trains!

Goodbye South West Trains!

At 1.42am on Sunday 20th August, South West Trains headed out of London Waterloo and made its last journey after 21 years of services to Wimbledon, Wandsworth and beyond. You'd be forgiven for sleeping through this bittersweet moment, blissfully unaware. To be honest, we're sure a few people actually on the last ever South West Trains service fell asleep at that hour. Whilst we aren't sure whether it was a particularly notable journey on board, it marks the end of a long franchise, which began in 1996. 

Top 10 Worst Train Stations In South London

Top 10 Worst Train Stations In South London

Having established what are the Top 10 Best Train Stations In South London, we set about finding out what the respectable denizens of South London thought were the Top 10 Worst Stations In South London. We examined every station, we considered the statistics, and we provided you with a shortlist. The votes are now in, and boy do the quantity of votes reveal what a miserable bunch we South Londoners are. We received almost double the votes for this then we did when deciding the best train stations! Clearly, we far prefer to moan about train stations than we do praise them. Anyway, for those who missed the initial voting phase, the criteria for stations on this list were stations within Zone 4, south of the river, that were either particularly bleak, particularly useless, or possibly even both. This was a pretty tight run affair, and came down to the wire as to which would be top dog, the tightest of wires! So, here we go, beginning at number 10, the top 10 worst train stations in South London, as voted for by you - the people

Vote For South London's Worst Train Station

Vote For South London's Worst Train Station

So we've now established what the top 10 best train stations in South London are, and if you haven't seen that list, click this link and a have a look. The criteria for that list was stations that either more beautiful than others, more useful than others, or possibly even both. The logic would apply that if we reverse that, then we should be able to work out what the worst stations in South London are. So the stations selected on this shortlist are either particularly bleak or unattractive, particularly useless, or even both. Sometimes though they might be quite useful stations, but their bleakness may outweigh that, and vice versa. In terms as to what we are defining South London as, it's the same as before - the outer limit is Zone 4, and the station has to be south of the river. To help you decide, we've included photos of each station below the voting form. Enjoy!

Top 10 South London Train Stations

Top 10 South London Train Stations

Here it is, the votes are in, the list is here, the list that you've all be waiting for with bated breath - The Top 10 South London Train Stations, as voted for by you dear readers. There were questions over some of the stations included, and we'll repeat that the shortlist was dictated by beauty, naturally our own subjective view but we cast the net wide, and usefulness, as dictated by statistics taken from the Office of Rail and Road. Some stations are both useful and beautiful, and some stations are simply one or the other, and we feel that the voting has reflected this. Being the internet, some took issue with the use of the term 'train station', let's just get this straight before we get started - we didn't use 'railway stations' because it included 'tube stations', and vice versa, we needed a term that denoted both. Anyway, to bed with those issues, to bed! Get ready for the most thrilling ride you have ever taken as we countdown, starting at 10, the Top 10 South London Train Stations.

Vote For South London's Best Train Station

Vote For South London's Best Train Station

At South London Club we've decided it's about time it was decided what is South London's best train station. When deciding what made a train station good, we worked out two key elements - usefulness and beauty. An example of this is Lewisham, which is incredibly useful, but very few would argue it to be beautiful. North Dulwich on the other hand is a very pretty building, but certainly not one of most useful stations in South London. Using this system we whittled down a shortlist of 40 trains stations within Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4, from which you can vote fro what you think is South London's best train station. Check out the list below,  and choose your favourite. We've included relevant images of the stations included in case you need a bit of assistance in picking a choice. The results will be announced on Friday 30th June. Keep you eyes peeled for another list of the worst stations in South London for you to vote on.