
Vote For South London's Best Train Station

Vote For South London's Best Train Station

At South London Club we've decided it's about time it was decided what is South London's best train station. When deciding what made a train station good, we worked out two key elements - usefulness and beauty. An example of this is Lewisham, which is incredibly useful, but very few would argue it to be beautiful. North Dulwich on the other hand is a very pretty building, but certainly not one of most useful stations in South London. Using this system we whittled down a shortlist of 40 trains stations within Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4, from which you can vote fro what you think is South London's best train station. Check out the list below,  and choose your favourite. We've included relevant images of the stations included in case you need a bit of assistance in picking a choice. The results will be announced on Friday 30th June. Keep you eyes peeled for another list of the worst stations in South London for you to vote on.

6 Beer Gardens To Try In Lewisham Borough This Summer

6 Beer Gardens To Try In Lewisham Borough This Summer

Now the truth is guys, beer gardens did not originate in South London. Nope. They actually first gained popularity over in Munich, Germany, where we hear they quite like a drink – see Oktoberfest (which is actually in September). While some might argue that the whole world is one big beer garden, and they might have something of a point, however, we would suggest that really it has to be connected to a public establishment that sells or makes alcohol (so you’re backgarden doesn’t count). We’ve talked already about some beer gardens in Southwark borough, and we went through what could be a beer garden, now it’s the turn of Lewisham borough. So, without further ado, here is South London Club’s list of 6 beer gardens in Lewisham borough you have to try this summer.

5 Best Places for a Romantic Meal in Lewisham Borough

5 Best Places for a Romantic Meal in Lewisham Borough

In years gone by, the Arctic Monkeys song ‘A Certain Romance’ could have have definitely applied to Lewisham. The area has come a long way since then and now, due to significant investment and infrastructural change, straddles that perfect middle ground between its dark-ish past and its highly-polished future as a major centre of London - according to Whitehall’s 'London Plan' anyway. Currently classed as 'edgy' Lewisham's unique landscape makes it a pretty cool place to go for a romantic meal.

Walking For Jimmy

Walking For Jimmy

The charity, For Jimmy, set up after the murder of 16-year-old Jimmy Mizen in 2008, is excited to once again invite supporters to join them walking from Richmond to Tower Bridge on 27th May to raise money to help support the charity’s work with young people to build safer and peaceful communities.

8 Amazing South London Jazz Venues

8 Amazing South London Jazz Venues

There is no need to cross the river if you are hunting for some Jazz. South London shares a long history with this versatile music genre; areas like Brixton, Camberwell, Greenwich, Peckham and Streatham were where the the glory days of London Jazz began. Here are 8 Amazing South London Jazz Venues

9 of South London's Best Pub Quizzes

9 of South London's Best Pub Quizzes

Get your team at the ready and head down to the 9 best pub quizzes in South London

Building Safe Havens For Jimmy

Building Safe Havens For Jimmy

Lewisham based charity, For Jimmy, have been creating Safe Havens with primary and secondary school children on high streets across Lewisham. Set up in honour of 16-year-old Jimmy Mizen, who was killed in an unprovoked attack in 2008, the charity runs a programme in primary and secondary schools that helps young people connect their sense of community and safety.