Rooftop Film Club — Blog — South London Club

Rooftop Film Club

10 Things To Do In South London This April

10 Things To Do In South London This April

Spring is in full swing as April rolls in. Brighter skies and warmers weathers give more opportunities to get out and enjoy nature's annual rebirth. The Easter holidays present a chance to connect and spend quality time with our loved ones. With these 10 things to do in April, you can take full advantage of this wonderful season!

18 Outdoor Cinema Venues in South London

18 Outdoor Cinema Venues in South London

Going to the pictures in South London has, traditionally, been a rainy-day activity, however, slowly but surely, this perception is being chiselled away. How? Well, after much consultation with scientists it has been discovered that projecting a moving image upon a large screen outside can also be done in the UK. Due to the fickle weather of this country however, this activity is only really doable during the summer months and, thankfully, the kind, handsome, and talented residents of South London are spoilt for choice with regards to venues. We love you guys, and we love films, so to show you our love we’ve compiled what we think is a pretty exhaustive alphabetical guide to 18 outdoor cinema venues in South London. Enjoy.